How many students attend Aliso Viejo Christian School?

Currently there are 398 students enrolled at Aliso Viejo Christian School.

Is AVCS a closed campus?

Our Campus is closed to protect the students and staff. Once a student arrives, they may only leave with the permission of their responsible party. Before a parent or other visitor may attain access to our campus, they are required to sign in at the front office and obtain a Visitor’s ID Badge that must be worn and visible while on our campus.

Is AVCS a fully accredited school?
What are the class sizes at AVCS?

Our low teacher to student ratio provides an ideal learning environment for our students. The following are our target class sizes for Aliso Viejo Christian School:

  • Junior Kindergarten: one classroom with a target class size of 14 students.
  • Kindergarten: two classrooms with a target class size of 18 students per class.
  • First through Eighth grades: two classrooms with a target class size of 22 students per class.
Is AVCS a Lutheran School? What is the school's statement of faith?

Aliso Viejo Christian School is a ministry of Lutheran Church of the Cross. The school is an Accredited Private Christian School.

What is the campus like?

Aliso Viejo Christian School is a beautiful, campus nested in the hills of the city of Aliso Viejo. AVCS maintains a balance of academic and recreational space that provides a nurturing location for the nurturing and learning of our students.

Our facility consists of:

  • 24 classrooms for junior kindergarten through Eighth grades.
  • 1 computer/media lab housing 28 computers and mobile computer carts for each grade level.
  • 1 dedicated Music Room serving Junior Kindergarten through Eighth grades. (Fun Fact: on a daily basis we may have up to 54 different kinds of instruments in the classroom!)
  • 1 elementary science lab (with two 3D printers) and 1 middle school science lab
  • 1 library with more than 6800 books and materials and computers.
  • A brand-new state of the art gymnasium and event center that hosts countless basketball and volleyball games as well as theater productions and school-wide assemblies.
  • 1 elementary learning garden.
  • 1 art lab
  • 1 on-site administration/business office that serves Junior Kindergarten through Eighth grades.