AVCS will continue be working with 1st Day School Supplies to obtain all of the school supplies that your child will need at school. They supply us with only name brand products to give each child the best quality products such as Crayola, Elmer’s, Mead, Papermate and Prang.
What This Means For You:
• NO more crowded aisle ways with your children
• NO more searching for the purple, 2 clasp, plastic, pocket folder or the 8 ½” x 4 ¾” x 2” pencil box
• NO more driving from Target, to Staples, to Office Max to get the “Best” deal
• NO more arguing with your children over items they WANT but aren’t on “The List”
• NO more hearing from you child, “But Mom… Everyone ELSE will have the blue sparkle pen”
• NO more hauling bags of school supplies to school on the first day
By using 1st Day, we benefit from their buying power and 1st Day guarantees all of their products.
The Way This Works:
• 1st Day delivers all supplies to AVCS
• Your child arrives for their first day of school and their supplies are already on their desk. 1st Day provides all supplies for the classroom and your student(s).
• No additional cost for you… Your registration fees have covered the expense!
AVCS is hopeful that you will find this to be a benefit to you and that this will alleviate some “back to school stress”. Your grade level MAY require a few supplies be purchased directly by you to be used at home. If your grade has any requirements for additional items, that list will be included here below.
Aliso Viejo Christian School is a ministry of Lutheran Church of the Cross Teaching the Christian faith is integrated in all we do, because we believe in one God who is eternally revealed through the Creator, our Heavenly Father and source of knowledge; through Jesus Christ, His only Son and our source of salvation; and through the Holy Spirit, the Sustainer and Giver of Faith. Qualified Christian teachers provide an excellent learning environment of safety, security, respect, and Christ’s love. More Info >>